Black & White
Ok you might have noticed that not all the images are just Black & White. There is the odd sepia and B&W pictures with colour accents chucked in.
Sepia can give a great old fashioned look to an image that would otherwise appear normal and I just love adding a colour layer to a B&W picture to draw your attention to a certain highlight.
It’s my website so you play by my rules………so there!!!!
Tour de France from Rue de Rivoli
The Vennel to Edinburgh Castle
'Watchful' Herring Boat at Port of Ayr
Eiffel Tower
Water In Glass
Buchanan Street, Glasgow
Victoria Street, Edinburgh
Greenan Castle, Ayr
Pencils in black and white with colour accents
Eiffel Tower
Fisher's Close, Edinburgh
Sacre Coeur
Eiffel Tower
Moulin Rouge, Pigalle
Chateau de Versailles
Sacre Coeur
Parish Church of Sacro Cuor, Sliema, Malta
Turnberry Lighthouse
Pencils in black and white with colour accents
Milne's Court, Edinburgh
Lady Stair's Close, Edinburgh